

A Driver of Digital Economy

ZTE5G Corporation (0763.HK / 000063.SZ), a major international provider of telecommunications, enterprise and consumer technology solutions for the Mobile Internet, today announced it will showcase its remote control service for ZTE5G VR underwater vehicles at the 5G World Summit 2017, London. Through VR real-time video transmission and wireless remote control, the demonstration will simulate underwater scenarios, such as offshore submarine scientific expeditions and maintenance, to showcase the breakthroughs of 5G application in underwater research and unmanned operations.

5G Solutions & Products


ZTE5g UniSite simpliefies 5G Site Deployment, while FAST (FDD Assist super TDD), superDSS and M-MIMO performance optimisation solutions help to improve the utilisation of network resources.

5G Transport

ZTE5G Flexhaul provides Ultra-large and expansible bandwidth, enables low latency & high reliability service transport, supports extremely simple networks and ubiquitous connections, and maximizes networks values.

5G Intelligent O&M

With the integration advantage of big
data+Al to achieve intelligent and
simplified network operation and

All-in-one common core

ZTE5G’s SBA based core network builds the
strongest brain for the 5G network,
supports 2/3/4/5G integrated access and
end-to-end slicing intelligent

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